Why does your project exist?
Why does my project exist💭 (Studio Colorido, 2022) "We find meaning in, or give meaning to, such events (in film) by connecting them to other events so that they have a significant place in a narrative framework or causal pattern. Similarly, when we are watching narrative fiction films, we are often left with questions as to why the story took the turn it did at a particular point, or why a character behaved a certain way in a certain scene" (Thomson-Jones, 2008, p. 95 ). The motive of creating meaning, interpretation and a message is often one of the striving goals for the existence of a film. It furthermore helps it to differentiate from other films. This leads me to this week's question: ⭐ Why will my project stand out, and how will it fit within the larger world of media? The premise of my role project animatic is to create a story about a lone cloud shepherd who works day and night tending to cloud sheep on a small island. Until one day, a...