Walking simulators come in many shapes and sizes. Whether it's a story of mystery and heartbreak, a tale of horrors and suspicion or a leisurely stroll through a mesmerising scene. Though they have limited action and haven't exactly been considered the apex of gaming history you'll still be surprised by their success within these modern times. Likewise, according to the Wire’s article, The Joy of Walking in games. "People turned to video games in droves during the pandemic, and game companies recorded record profits. The philosopher and theologian Saint Augustine coined the Latin phrase “ Solvitur ambulando ,” meaning “It is solved by walking,” and walking—albeit virtually, is where I turned to steady my mind " (Briscoe, 2021). So then here's the question of the week: ⭐ How would I take my project and make it into a marketable and successful product in the wider media environment? Well to get to the bottom of this I'll have to address the throbbing ...